Laser diodes attached to a jacket with laser cut acrylic housings.
Light up patches made from laser cut fabric glued to EL panels that attach to the backs of jackets.
Animatronic cat ears made from hobby servos and an AVR ATTiny13 microcontroller.
4x4 LED matrix driven by an ATMega328 and designed with MeowCAD.
3x3 LED charlieplexed matrix driven by an ATTiny13 and designed with MeowCAD.
In-browser electronics design
Real time tracking of Boston subway, buses and commuter rails (now decommissioned).
2D artwork
3D scans
In-browser game.
Reverse license lookup.
Create a customizable color palette pixel 'hero' spritesheet.
An experiment in creating generative tarot decks.
An ambient noise mixer.
Gerber file format (GBL) to G-Code (ngc) converter. Converts a Gerber file to a G-Code file for isolation routing.
Command line tool front end for Angus Johnson's 'clipperlib' clipping and offsetting 2d geometry library.
A monthly $100 microgrant given to artists and engineers to promote free/libre art and engineering.